
Professor Martinez's research on the psychological effects of happiness has been highlighted in the Press Democrat's feature on California's newly released "Happines

Music Department Chair Professor Andy Collinsworth has been elected to membership in the prestigious A

"Air Traffic," a 3,047-word essay, uses a strange, small catastrophe during fire season in California to reflect upon our hunger for rural life and the damage we inflict upon it.
You can read the full essay at or download it from Fourth Genre.

“Aria for Insects” offers an elegy for creatures so small we typically take notice of them only when they are absent.

Anne Goldman, Professor of English, has published "Attribution," a short story about gender equity set in the academy, in Women's Studies volume 53, issue 7, 2024.

As the final buzzer echoed through the basketball arena and the satisfying swish of the net sealed the game, SSU student Kaili Spooner leaned into the microphone to describe the final play. Her voice was steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.